2024 Writing Series Dedicated to Edwin Vogt
Little Falls High School class of 1954


Nostalgia becomes a personal emotional experience. In times of stress, nostalgia can provide a retreat, a respite, a way to feel less alone.
Charles Young, 1939.Charles Young, 1939.

Charlie Young: From Undefeated Football Team to Wrestler Revolt–And Beyond

Known as "Chub" by his family and close friends, Charlie taught and coached at LFHS for over two decades, and left an indelible mark.
Milan Mosny

The Pride of Little Falls

Every high school class has its outstanding students – the class valedictorian, the star athlete, the naturally-born leader, the most likely to succeed…
Railway Express Agency employees Al Munger (on left - Al later became Little Falls fire chief) and Jimmy Fitzgerald (on right) pictured with cages of homing pigeons outside of the company office once housed in the Old Bank Building.Railway Express Agency employees Al Munger (on left - Al later became Little Falls fire chief) and Jimmy Fitzgerald (on right) pictured with cages of homing pigeons outside of the company office once housed in the Old Bank Building.

The Railway Express Agency and Pigeon Releasing

Sometimes all it takes is a picture or a story to generate a Historical Society writing series piece. Such is the case with this article.
The Entrance to Old St. Mary’s Cemetery | Archangel Gabriel with Trumpet in Alcove of MausoleumThe Entrance to Old St. Mary’s Cemetery | Archangel Gabriel with Trumpet in Alcove of Mausoleum


The prelude to the life story of Charles P. Byron begins as one walks through the entrance of the Old St. Mary’s Cemetery.
Lundstrom corner bookcase on museum displayLundstrom corner bookcase on museum display


Lundstrom sectional barrister bookcases are often found in local law offices and private homes,holding sets of law books and personal libraries.


In recent years, the Historical Society has dedicated its annual writing series to three teachers, Harold Templeman, Hector Allen, and Helen Dunteman, and to former city historian, and one of the Historical Society’s founding members, Edward Cooney. The Society’s 2024 writing series is being dedicated to Edwin Vogt.
The Bowie Knife

Mysteries of the Bowie Knife by Ann Schuyler

I sat by the window on the night of September 29th watching the last of four Super Full Moons when random memories ran through my mind.
1974 Milo holding his carved “Smith Bros Circus Red Caboose” alongside Marie, his favorite elephant on the side lawn at the Smith Brothers Farm


Most people usually don’t have an elephant attend a family member’s funeral, but then most other families didn’t have a grandfather who loved the circus the way Milo Smith did.
Promotional postcard of Bellcamp the Magician

“Bellcamp” The Magician by Ann E. Schuyler

“Uncle Archie, can you make me disappear?” I asked. “Yes,” he said, “Go in the other room.” I was expecting something like levitation.

My First and Last Train Rides by Ann Eysaman Schuyler

In 1944 I took my first train ride – all the way to Utica, NY. Having lived in Little Falls all my life, some of it on West Main Street at the foot of Glen Avenue, I knew about the railroad.
Civil War Burial Section of Fairview Cemetery outside Little Falls


The primary purpose of this piece of writing is to chronicle a history of African American presence in Little Falls from the time of slavery up to the 2015 dedication of a monument in Little Falls Church Street Cemetery recognizing what was once known as the “Colored Burial Ground.”

The Underground Railroad In And Around Little Falls

The Underground Railroad (URR) was a loosely organized network of people, (men and women, African American and white,) dedicated to helping people escape from bondage in the slave-holding states of the South to freedom in the antislavery states of the North and ultimately to Canada in the period before the Civil War.

The Main Street in Little Falls, N.Y. , circa 1955 -1965

My father told the story, many times, of how when he was a little boy, his mother had to hold his hand tightly when they made their way downtown to do their shopping on Main Street in Little Falls.
New York State historic marker nearby Yellow Church Cemetery.

Little Falls Patriots Day Past and Present

The Little Falls Historical Society will partner with the Yellow Church Cemetery Association to host a Patriots Day observance at their historic site beginning at 11:00 AM on Saturday May 20. The rain date is Sunday May 21 at the same time. The event is free and open to the public.

2023 Writing Series Dedicated to Edward Cooney By Michael Cooney

Edward Cooney was City Historian for over forty years, president of the Herkimer County Historical Society, and one of the founding members of the Little Falls Historical Society.

Eagle Down by John Frazier

Donnie Coffin was somewhat of an enigma. Those who remember him recall him as an easygoing guy, but not many people have vivid memories of him.
Moreland Park

Little Falls Philanthropy by Louis W. Baum

What did wealthy people do with their money? Some spent lavishly on themselves and their families caring little for their fellow man; others were philanthropic. Over the years, the citizens of Little Falls have greatly benefited in many different ways from the philanthropy of several of its leading residents who lived here in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Main Street circa 1880, looking west from Mary St
The Lighter Side of Vietnam
Old postcard image of Sheard Park looking north to south with an unpaved Furnace Street on the right.
A view of the building as it appeared prior to scheduled demolition.
View of the Mohawk Valley looking south towards Little Falls, NY.
Helen Dunteman
LF Historical Society Writing Series dedication to Hector Allen

Growing up on the South Side from the early 1950’s through the late 1960’s By Donald F. Staffo

A Pizza Story by James Papaleo

South Side Cigar Stores by Gary Staffo

Every Legend Has a Beginning The Hubie Brown Story by David Dinneen

Dairy Farming In Herkimer County: The More Things Change… by De Wayne W. Perry

The Magnificent Mile at Little Falls by Louis W. Baum, Jr.

Burwell Street Namesake and Moreland Park Visionary
by Jeffrey Gressler

He Still Sustains: Pitt the Painter’s Studio Loft
by Laura Laubenthal

“Surviving Childhood in Little Falls” by Cynthia Holick Foley

Long Ago From a Far Away Land by Jessie Snyder Thompson Huberty

John Frazier – Prisoner of War, Hero by John Frazier, Jr.

The Little Falls Lock 17 Dedication Celebration of 1916 by Angela Harris

Mayor Hadley Jones – A Saint or a Sinner (Part 2) by Louis Baum

Mayor Hadley Jones – A Saint or a Sinner (Part 1) by Louis Baum

A Sun Shower Without End by Ray Lenarcic

Patriots Day Honors Those Who Were Not Sunshine Patriots by Jeffrey Gressler

Sometimes Distributing Vaccines Easier Said Than Done by Schuyler Van Horn

Hector Allen by David Krutz