Case of smallpox reported
“Considerable excitement is now on as it is reported a case of smallpox in our village.”
The Little Falls Historical Society has developed this special page on its website to serve as a repository for written work, artwork, photographs and other materials related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The goal of this project is to create a collective body of work that will serve as a historic record of how individuals, families, government, schools, businesses and other organizations are dealing with disruptions in their daily routines due to COVID-19. Future generations will be able to better understand how our community responded to this crisis.
You can submit written work such as short essays, journal-like entries, and poems. You can also submit artwork and photographs.
The Covid-19 pandemic has been with us for about a year now, and our lives have changed many times over. We have been subjected to quarantines, wearing masks in public, and not seeing friends and family for unseemly long periods of time.
However, there have been other times in Little Falls history where major health problems have arisen that have had a significant impact on everyday life throughout the community. Some of these are chronicled in the timeline below.
Please follow the submission guidelines and send us your story for 2021.
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A Grim Milestone
It has been a year since the COVID-19 pandemic first reared its ugly head and began to take its awful toll on all of us. It is perhaps time to take a step back, take stock of the data, and reflect upon the pandemic’s impact.
Total COVID cases in the United States are over 28 million and deaths now exceed 500,000. New York State has gone over 1.5 million cases while deaths are closing in on 50,000. Closer to home, Herkimer County has had over 4500 confirmed cases and 106 COVID-19 deaths. We may never know how many cases or deaths, if any, have occurred in Little Falls itself, but most people reading this likely know of at least one person or family who have been directly impacted.
It is difficult to understand why some people choose to question these numbers. No one benefits from either over or under reporting cases and deaths. Politics simply do not matter.
Overall, with only 5% of the global population, America has absorbed around 20% of both COVID cases and deaths. In summary, the United States, New York State, Herkimer County, and our community have been incredibly hard hit by this pandemic. It is not the purpose of this posting to point fingers, history will eventually assign blame where it belongs.
Suffice to say, we have all been greatly impacted. Our hearts ache for our country, for the families that have lost loved ones, and mostly for those who passed away, often alone and frightened.
An elderly friend told me in a phone conversation that “for folks our age, this is probably how it’s going to be.” Sad.
Remote learning works best for those families with the resources to provide their kids with proper technical support and parental motivation. But what about kids who are less fortunate? Those without easy computer access and who most benefit from positive adult contact and nutritional assistance provided by schools will suffer the most.
Did it have to be this bad? Let’s all hope that better days are ahead.
One year later
When the first cases of the novel coronavirus were detected in Wuhan, China in late January 2020, little attention was paid to the “Chinese Problem” until the first cases appeared in Washington State and California. The optimist thought the problem would be over in short-time, and most pessimists figured it would be over by summer. Little did we know!
The United States has been the worst performer: 26.5 million cases and 456,000 deaths. Part of this bad rap may be due to more accurate counting versus that done in large countries such as India, China, Brazil, and Russia. Closer to home, Herkimer County, which includes Little Falls, has had 4,282 cases, 94 deaths, and an infection rate of 6.85%.
This terrible pandemic raging across the globe, has affected all our lives in so many ways. Little used or new words or phrases have crept into our everyday vocabulary: Covid-19, social distancing, virtual learning, “mask up”, contract tracing, herd immunity, quarantine-in-place, living in a “bubble”, and Zoom meetings.
But changes did happen BIG TIME! And over a relatively short period in time. First came uncertainty. Other than family, I avoided people before social distancing became the norm. No more visits to stores including grocery stores. In reflection, I found that going into stores was, in part, a social event – one would see friends and acquaintances you would not ordinarily see. This experience is gone. I don’t go into grocery stores – one can order on-line and have them delivered, or for pick up outside the store. I love looking at all the grocery items on the computer and click “add to cart.” The same for prescriptions. Use the “Drive Through” or have the script mailed to my house. Then there was attending mass. Initially there were many cancellations and then restrictions in numbers allowed inside the church. So, Sunday mass became a TV event.
Shopping for almost everything has changed. I found one can find about anything you need on and have it delivered to your home sometimes overnight or in a day or two with no delivery cost if you have Amazon Prime. Many other retailers have followed suit, even local ones. Successful businesses have navigated the pandemic by changing the pattern of their business plan. Restaurants, when indoor seating was banned, switched to outdoor seating and take-out meals and home deliveries. I have found several great new restaurants where I could order and enjoy different types of food.
Of much concern was how to interface with my medical providers. Doctor’s offices and other medical facilities are where “sick people” go, so they were places to avoid. Most of my “visits” were audio or visual (which went surprisingly well), and I only went in person, particularly to specialists, when I felt having the doctor examine me was necessary.
I no longer was able to visit the Historical Society or do research requests at Holy Family Parish. Fortunately, I was able to gather enough research data to keep me busy at my computer and writing for long periods of time.
One of the most troublesome parts of the pandemic is being separated from many friends and family members who live long distances from Little Falls. I have not seen my son or young granddaughters up close and personable since Thanksgiving 2019. Thank God for Facetime! My daughters live relatively close by, so we are in a “bubble” together and most of my other contacts are by phone. And I’m on the phone a lot!
One year after the onset of Covid-19, effective vaccines have been developed, production ramped up, and vaccinations happening in a haphazard manner throughout the country and the world. Older people, like myself, and essential workers came first. At the time of my writing, about 4 million people in the United States have been vaccinated, with newly elected President Joseph Biden having a goal of having 100 million doses (50 million people) completed in the first 100 days of his administration. Problems continue to pop-up with poorer nations lagging in vaccine availability, major surges in infections after holidays or major events, and new, more transmissible variants (mutations) of the virus showing up around the world – UK, South Africa, Brazil, Russia.
So, where do we go from here? I think there will be a new norm. What that will exactly be is unknown at this time. But, in time we will beat Covid-19 like we did infantile paralysis (polio),measles and other contagious diseases. Good luck Little Falls, good luck New York State, good luck America, good luck world!
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A Recent Stay in the Hospital Under the Guise of Covid
I recently entered the hospital with a fever of 104 degrees. I was immediately treated as though I had Covid 19. My children could not come in with me. I was semi-conscious. The Dr. ordered Covid and flu tests, x-rays of my chest and left leg, (which I had cut on glass), bloodwork and an EKG. I had a tetanus shot, was receiving iv antibiotics when a doctor protectively peeked in and said they were preparing a room for me upstairs. About six hours later, I was taken upstairs to that room.
There was an eight-inch, accordion style, metal reinforced plastic exhaust pipe drawing air out of the room as fast as it came in from the air conditioner, making it very warm. There was one bed by that window. After a while I realized that there was a computer on a roll-around cart (battery operated, of course it died!), a 2 drawer stand with phone and a stand that could go across the bed. On the other side of the room was a laundry bin, stand and a phone. Both nurses had PPE on. They think I’m a Covid patient, I thought.
I was told by the other nurse that I was being labeled a POI and marked independent. I asked what these meant. First, I was a person of interest (suspected of having Covid). She told me independent meant that I could get out of bed myself and use the toilet. I think they were trying to reduce their exposure. I have to tell you the first time I did get out of bed, not being totally “with it” I nearly pulled the iv unit out of the wall! Realizing it was plugged in, I staggered over to the outlet and unplugged it. I made it to the bathroom on wobbly legs as I still had a fever. This was about 2:30 am.
The shift nurses who came in donned PPE and took it off when they left, placing it in the laundry bin. That laundry bin never left the room. Usually a nurse came in donned with the PPE, only when the iv antibiotic bag ran out. They took my temperature, blood pressure, pulse, answered questions and went over by the door, took off their PPE and left. Sometimes I had to ring for them because the door was shut and they could not hear the alarm when the antibiotics ran out. They definitely restricted their time spent in my room.
A full day after I was admitted, an infection manifested in my right leg. This could have been an answer for my high fever, but my test results had not come back. But now medicine could be used to target this infection so my fever finally, slowly diminished.
The curtain was drawn that separated me from the other side of the room. I have many allergies so dietary called me to try to accommodate these. They called the phone on the other side of the room so it had to be brought to me. Now that was going to have to be sanitized along with everything else in the room. The room was never swept or mopped for the entire time I was there (3 days), nor were the bed sheets or pad changed. I began to realize that these people were only trying to help me the best they could and keep themselves safe at the same time. It’s a lonely spot to be in, for all of us.
I found it was too dark and wanted to adjust the color but didn’t have the strength. I was glad to have my cell phone and called by family.
In the bathroom, someone had placed a sealed plastic package that had a toothbrush, toothpaste, lip and mouth lubricant, and mouth wash. There was also a comb and two packages of disposable washcloths already soaped! There was toilet paper on the dispenser. I had everything I needed. Fortunately, I could take care of myself after the first 12 hours. I remember one kind nurse fluffed my pillows, another brought me a battery- operated personal fan. She said I could take it home with me. Oh, another disposable.
I was told I could go home once my fever was down but I had to quarantine because my test results had not yet come back. I told everyone that if I had Covid, I’d be in very bad shape as I am what you would call a compromised patient.
The morning I was leaving, the nurse told me to ring for her when the antibiotics ran out, so I did. Another woman, in a mask, opened the door and told me the nurse would be there soon. She closed the door and I heard her remark, “Oh, she’s cute” (meaning me.) It made me think. What kind of ogre or troll did they think had been isolated in the room? Laughter, they say is the best medicine.
When I left the hospital, security was called so no one tried to use the elevator. Visitors had just been allowed into the hospital, two to a patient. Security put up signs that the elevators were being cleaned and could not be used for a time.
This is the way I was treated as a presumed Covid patient. Some of that was by accident, some by necessity. I found laughter where I could, but truly, it was a despairing situation. I did not like the waste of resources, because I knew I did not have Covid. The medical people did the best they could and followed protocol as best as they could. I am so glad they took good care of me while protecting themselves. The results of my tests came back, the day after I left the hospital, all negative! That’s good news for me and the staff of the hospital. How fortunate we all were, this time.
My Changed Life
Every year, I have grand plans to make the most of the best days
Frankly, I hate winter. Autumn too, (it comes before winter). But spring and summer, oh yes! Every year, I have grand plans to make the most of the best days. This year: plans not so grand. Layoffs, furloughs, families scramble to make ends meet. A cloud of disease blew in from nowhere, it seems. Missing the usual fun. No Diamond Dawgs. No Cheese Festival. No Canal Days, family at the new picnic table after the parade. No parade here or anywhere for that matter, and I love parades. City pool closed. Tubing on West Canada Creek sounds like bliss, but shuttle bus on the way back, packed in with other people. No way. We’ll stick to the house and the yard.
We put in a square foot garden. It’s easy to manage, even in a dry season like this one so far. Weather forecasts change by the hour: thunder storms, we’re waiting. I heard about water restrictions near Albany, but it’s only early July and what’s this Sahara dust cloud?
That’s the down side. We adapt. Signs on the highways urge us to be New York Tough. I’m proud to do that. We learn phrases like “social distancing” and “flattening the curve”. We navigate Zoom conferences and other no-contact ways of doing business. We wave to neighbors across the yard but we keep our distance. And Little Falls, being Little Falls, creates an instant drive-in movie theater near the empty baseball field, runs a peaceful Black Lives Matter educational event, launches a caravan of cars on Main Street honoring our High School seniors. It’s summertime. We make the most of the best days.
What brings you joy or comfort right now?
I am a 69-year-old male and retired history teacher.
I am nearly eighty-four years old and live alone.
covid 19 bad
120 nanometers
pure terror for all
covid 19 rules
cover nose and mouth with masks
let us stop the spread
pandemic advice
stand 6 feet away from me
see me with my mask
the collapse is near
health, food, education, votes
we must see it all
hai·ku /ˈhīˌko͞o/
noun: haiku; plural noun: haikus; plural noun: haiku
a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.a poem in English written in the form of a haiku.
The Covid 19 pandemic has altered our daily living in a few profound ways - Good & Bad…
Life in The CoronaVirus
When they go to the store there is a limit on certain things you can buy like meats, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, etc. Things changed so much for everybody during this pandemic like some people had to get fired because they didn’t need them due to changing times. Others hours were cut, And businesses that are not essential got shut down. So many small businesses went out of business. Some are not taking it as seriously as others are. I don’t think the children and teens know how serious this pandemic is because I see kids walking the streets with friends without masks on not 6 feet apart etc. There are grown adult’s in the stores without masks on and with them pulled down off their face defeating the whole purpose of wearing a mask in the first place. Right now things are slowing down and things are starting to re-open, but things were not like this there were about 500 deaths per day in New York State alone but now that is down to about 30. The nursing homes completely changed also. Residents can’t see their families in person; they have to see them through a glass window or and facetime. Just imagine if their loved one were to die, the family would be devastated because their loved one died and they didn’t even get to see them or say goodbye before they passed. Also nurses, aids, and nursing home staff are forced to get tested twice a week which was recently knocked down to once a week. Nurses and Aids are also forced to work mandated hours because other nurses and aids are scared of the pandemic. That can take a toll on the nurses and aids. If it happens time and time again they could become exhausted and not be able to carry out their duties correctly.
These changing times completely changed schooling for this year also, everything is online. To me it is no where close to the same and I didn’t learn as much as if I were to actually be in school. Online schooling was way easier for me. I can’t speak for others but I can speak for myself. These changing times have been tough but all we can do is power through it and wait for things to go back to normal.
Class of ’21
Distance Learning Journal Entries
While I am not at school, I have been focusing more on myself. I take a few hours everyday to work on school work, but I don’t have much left. I like to make sure I eat enough food and that for the most part, it’s healthy. I make sure I drink enough water, too. I also make sure my house and room are clean. With the cancellation of school I now have time to workout too, and everyday I have free time. Although I’d probably rather be in school, I am getting a lot done and I feel very productive. I have accomplished a new workout routine, and I also started reorganizing my room. I’m also able to see my family a lot, which at some times annoys me, but usually they’re fine. I think the biggest thing I am able to do is practice driving. Recently, I got my drivers permit, and my parents have been taking me on long drives to get practice. On sunday I drove for four hours, and I felt really accomplished. One of the things I’m grateful for today is that my family and friends are healthy and safe. New York State makes up almost half of the CoronaVirus cases in the US. That is insanely scary and crazy. I’m so thankful that my family and friends are healthy. I miss my friends a lot, but staying inside is the right thing to do, to ensure the safety of my friends and family. The other day, I was sick with a cough, sore throat, and not a fever, but I felt hot with occasional cold chills. I got it from my sister who came home from college after being in an apartment where her roommates traveled out of the country. We don’t think it was CoronaVirus (thankfully) but we were definitely sick. So, I’m thankful that we are both healthy now. I still cough, but I feel a lot better. My sister is almost completely rid of the symptoms, so I’m very thankful for that. I’m glad that my family and friends seem to be doing fine and handling this whole experience really well. This is the first time in my life and my friends’ life that a pandemic has ever gone this far. We’ve had epidemics in our lifetimes, but a lot of them didn’t even affect our country. The second thing that I’m grateful for is the way our community is handling this. I genuinely expected people to be mean and sour about this, but when I’m grocery shopping, people are generally nice and not grabbing everything off the shelves. At first, it was the opposite. People were hoarding essentials, and took more than they needed. I’ve seen a lot of social media posts that show people taking more than they need, leading to other people having nothing to take. Fortunately, in Little Falls, our workers are doing a really good job at keeping our stores in stock. Overall, I’m really hoping this whole experience is almost over, so we can return to our normal lives.
Class of ’22
A Day In The Life of COVID 19
It was the middle of March when the LFHS closed down because of the COVID 19 pandemic. I didn’t think it would really ever happen, but it did. Everyone was afraid they were going to catch the virus and everything was closing up. At first I thought we would miss just a week or two, but here we are 3 months after and we are still out of school.
All students were forced to work from home because we couldn’t be near each other in case someone caught the virus. I thought of it as a little vacation at first, but as time went by, I realized it was more than that. It is hard to learn from home on the chromebooks because there are too many other things to do at home. It isn’t like sitting in a classroom where you have nothing else to do but your work. Students had to try to focus in their home surroundings and be responsible enough to get the work done without sitting in a classroom. It is much harder at home. I like being able to ask the teacher when I have a question and getting the answer right then and there. When you have to wait, you aren’t focused on getting the work done anymore and find other things to do. I have a feeling that this is really going to affect students’ grades because I don’t think I am the only one having trouble focusing at home.
Life became really boring after school was let out. Everyone has to stay home and away from everyone else. It was really scary at first because everyone was scared and it is constantly on the news. It seems like nobody trusts anybody because they think they might give them the virus. Hanging out with friends wasn’t a thing anymore. Everyone quarantined themselves so they didn’t have to be around anyone else but their family in the house. It isn’t as bad anymore, and I hang out with my friends sometimes, but not as often as I used to. When I do, I can only be around a couple at a time so we don’t have a big group.
My mom is an essential worker and I used to be afraid that she would catch the virus at work. I never really wanted her to go to work and expose herself because I was afraid she was going to catch it. I’m not really worried anymore. The numbers are getting lower and I’m used to it and she hasn’t been exposed yet so it’s not as bad as it seemed at the beginning.
When this just started spreading, people were going crazy in the stores. They were buying everything off the shelves. They bought all the disinfectant, toilet paper, canned goods, and dry goods out of the stores so they would be ready to spend a long time in their homes. We ended up with a ton of food in the house too. It isn’t so bad anymore, but the shelves aren’t stocked like they used to be because people are still buying them out. Also, the stores changed the way they do things. You have to wear a mask to go in and disinfect the cart on the way in. They now have plexiglass at the cash register so the germs can’t spread from the customers to the workers. Some people even wear gloves so they can’t get germs on their hands.
A lot of people lost their jobs because places had to shut down to stop the spread of the virus. Some food places are able to stay open but nobody can go in and sit down to eat. They all have to get take out. A lot of food places turned into carside pick up so people don’t even enter the buildings.
I miss going to the places we always went to to get out of the house and have fun. I can’t wait to eat in a restaurant and walk the mall. I never thought I would see the day that we can’t do any of that anymore. I hope when I am older and have kids, they will be able to see what life was like before the pandemic. I realize now how fast a virus can spread now, but I hope things can get back to normal so people aren’t always afraid to be around each other.
The coronavirus has affected virtually every person in the world and transformed life as we know it.
As the coronavirus continues to spread, people are isolated in their homes with little connection to the outside world. Daily life, plans, and activities have been changed as people strive to find a new normal. Usually, in the spring I would be playing softball and studying for my finals. But, I cannot keep track of what day it is because there is no schedule and virtually nothing to do. Today has been the same as any other day for the past month or so. I do my homework each day and spend quality time with my parents.
I love spending time with my parents and I hope to continue to have a great bond with them throughout my life. I am extremely grateful that my parents and my extended family do not have the coronavirus. I think that social distancing and proper hygiene are preventing the rapid spread of this virus. I hope that people continue to practice social distancing so this virus stops quicker and infects fewer people. My parents and I have been following health guidelines for the community. For instance, I have not seen my cousins in months, and I miss them dearly.
The most difficult aspect of self-isolation is loneliness as I cannot see my friends or my extended family. I am used to seeing my friends six or seven days a week between school and extracurricular activities. My friends and I have stayed in touch daily through social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. I have talked to new people and reconnected with some old ones through this difficult time. Although I have more free time on my hands to do new things, I want this virus to be contained.
My parents have gone to work each day thus far. I go on periodic walks for exercise and the streets are bare. I have been trying to stay active and positive, but it is hard. I am extremely bored, although I am trying to make the most of it. My goal is to be useful by cleaning my room and going through my clothes to give away. I have also played certain board games that I have not played in years, and spent quality time with my family. I am trying to make every moment worthwhile. I miss school and realized that I may have taken it for granted prior to the coronavirus outbreak. Online learning is an adjustment for students as well as teachers. It can be difficult, and often stressful. Personally, I think that there are advantages as well as drawbacks to online learning. As of right now, I think that staying out of school until the coronavirus settles down will be the best idea. In the long run, separation and online learning will be helpful to our community.
The coronavirus has made me realize how valuable healthcare workers are. The healthcare workers on the front lines are the true heroes during this unpredictable time. I have a lot of respect for the workers who put their lives on the line every day. Some people take their health for granted, but I encourage people to view good health as a privilege instead of a right. There are many people in the United States who have passed away due to underlying health conditions. I hope that healthcare workers will be able to obtain a greater understanding of the virus so they can cure more patients. This pandemic has taught me to live day by day and sometimes, hour by hour. Every moment blends together, and before you realize it, months have gone by. It is hard and stressful to do the same thing each day and I am looking forward to having a normal life again. I realized that by making a gratitude list, it shows that I should be grateful for what I have, instead of being upset with the current circumstances in the world. There is nothing more that can be done other than staying inside. I firmly believe that everyone will be a lot happier when we return to some form of normalcy. This will be a long process, but there is light at the end of the darkness.
hello! So being a kid in these times are very hard.
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You can submit written work such as short essays, journal-like entries, and poems. You can also submit artwork and photographs.
Little Falls Historical Society Museum
319 South Ann Street
Little Falls, NY (Get directions)
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Expatriate hopes generosity will inspire others
/by Little Falls Historical Society MuseumLittle Falls native Blaise Carrig (LFHS class of 1969) and his wife Leslie donated $50,000 earlier this year to six Little Falls non-profit organizations. The Carrigs responded to a series of questions for this article from their home in Longmont, Colorado.
QUESTION #1: What / who inspired you to engage in philanthropic activity?
RESPONSE: We have been particularly inspired by the philanthropic efforts of people like Bill and Melinda Gates. We are fortunate to be able to be generous. Our primary goals are to help kids and families in need and to get kids outdoors to enjoy the natural world. For our giving to Little Falls entities, we have taken a broader view, encompassing some of the cultural and economic efforts taking place.
QUESTION #2: Why do the two of you feel that it is important for people to provide financial assistance to community non-profits and other charitable organizations?
RESPONSE: We feel fortunate and grateful for the ability to give back. Organizations that positively affect the lives of families in need are worthy of financial assistance. Little Falls has a number of such organizations and people doing great things.
QUESTION #3: In the past, you have provided anonymous donations for community organizations in Little Falls. What compelled you to “go public” this time?
RESPONSE: This was not an easy decision for us. While we often prefer to remain anonymous with our charitable donations, our primary goal in “going public” this time is to hopefully inspire other Little Falls residents and expatriates to support these worthy non-profits that are doing so much. I follow the My Little Falls online newsletter that Dave Warner publishes; I was struck by an article about the Community Chest having difficulty meeting their annual fund-raising goal. I see a lot of people on the I Remember Little Falls Facebook page who talk lovingly about their hometown, we hope to inspire some of those folks to consider giving back, even small amounts can greatly help these non-profits
QUESTION #4: Why do you feel that your hometown is worthy of such generosity?
RESPONSE: I feel very fortunate to have grown up in Little Falls and have great memories, appreciation, and fondness for my hometown. Additionally, a number of friends that I grew up with in Little Falls regularly donate much of their time and energy to the organizations that we donated to. Their efforts inspired us.
QUESTION#5: Is there anything you would like to add?
RESPONSE: Little Falls is a special place. When visiting family and friends, we are struck by the city’s timeless beauty and the volunteer energy that enhance the quality of life there.
Blaise also added that his parents loved Little Falls and the amenities and quality of life that exist here. Indirectly, Tom and Theresa Carrig were the inspiration for their son’s and daughter-in- law’s generous gift to Little Falls non-profits.
Once the COVID-19 health crisis subsides, we all hope that Blaise and Leslie continue to visit Little Falls. On behalf of our entire community, the Little Falls Historical Society wishes to thank them for their inspirational generosity.