This day in history: September 3


Date(s) - 03/09/2024
All Day



Our village authorities have placed a fountain in the center of the reservoir in Western Park. It is useful to prevent scum from forming upon the water. This improvement has long been needed.


The bank vault at the National Herkimer County bank in Little Falls could not be opened when a bolt of the combination lock slipped down. Efforts by local locksmiths to open the safe were not successful, and a locksmith had to be “imported” from New York City to complete the job by nightfall.


The Little Falls Republicans always have had their gatherings at the Allerton Hotel which has been torn down to make way for the new Hotel Snyder. In keeping with tradition, the local G.O.P. had their caucus, prior to the county convention, at the same site but in the now vacant lot.


An auto “Sociability Run” was made by twenty one automobiles from Little Falls to Cooperstown and return. The autos, all with several passengers, leaving at 5 minute intervals, made the trip via Herkimer, Ilion, Cedarville, Richfield Springs and Fly Creek. Frank Shall won first prize with a time of six hours and 30 seconds. Mrs. O. Dempster, the only woman, came in second.