This day in history: June 4


Date(s) - 04/06/2024
All Day



Although it was built in 1796, the Octagon Church was not completed until 1818. During this 22 year period, the church relied on circuit riders and itinerant clergymen. The first resident pastor, Mr. Hezekiah N. Woodruff today delivered his first sermon – “Go up to the mountain and bring Wook and the House and I shall take pleasure in it.” Rev. Woodruff would be shared with worshippers in Herkimer.


A movement to secure entertainments of the better class has resulted in an organization that really means business. Hon. George A. Hardin is president of the Little Falls Entertainment Association, which has in its membership many of the prominent members of the community, that will strive to bring high-class revelry to Little Falls.


Eight or ten men are at work on Western Park filling in the discarded reservoir. The grounds will be returned to their natural slope. Unfortunately, the project will require the removal of five large maple trees.


One of the twin bridges between Hansen Island and Southern Avenue was lifted off its foundation and deposited on a barge. The second “twin” is owned by the city and was left standing. It was also eventually removed.