This day in history: June 11


Date(s) - 11/06/2024
All Day



During his Revolutionary War 50th anniversary tour, General LaFayette, the famous French aristocrat and military officer, stopped to pay his respects at the grave of his old friend, Major Andrew Eacker Finck just east of Little Falls. Major Finck had been his Aide de Camp.


The body of the first Little Falls soldier to die in the Civil War was returned home for burial. Matthew Kennedy was given all the solemn honors a bereaved community could bestow on one who gave his life for his country.


The Common Council approved the purchase of five voting machines at a cost of $500 each. The machines will cut the number of election districts down to four, and one machine will be held in reserve.


Adam Lorenzoni, of this city, appeared on the national TV program, “It Could Be You”, in California where he had a surprise reunion with his daughter Rita Lorenzoni Osredkar.


The Little Falls First Baptist Church dedicated a plaque to the memory of Francis Bellamy, the author of the Pledge of Allegiance. The plaque was placed on the front of the church located on Albany Street. Bellamy was ordained in Little Falls and served the local congregation from 1879 to 1885.