The Little Falls Lock 17 Dedication Celebration of 1916 by Angela Harris

“Will Go Down in History: Historical Pageant and Lift Lock Celebration Greatest Ever Held in Mohawk Valley. July 4, 1916” The Little Falls Journal and Courier may be forgiven for the hyperbole of its banner headline and sub heading on July 4, 1916. The overflowing pride of the language reflects the premise and themes of The Little Falls Historical Pageant and Lift Lock Celebration. The civic pageants of the first twenty years of the 20th century were testaments to civic pride and patriotism, and Little Falls was no slacker.

Little Falls Historical Society Museum | Little Falls NY


The Old Bank Building Museum has not been open to the public since Christmas in Little Falls in December 2019, a year and a half ago. Somehow it seems even longer ago than that. This is about to change.

The museum has a number of new exhibits since 2019, most notably, the centennial exhibit celebrating women gaining the right to vote and the role played by local women in that quest. 

The museum will be open by appointment only beginning on Monday July 5. The museum will not be open for walk-in visitations at this time.

Appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance and can be arranged by calling either Louie Baum at 315/867-3527 or Maryanne Terzi at 315/823-1502.  

When calling to schedule an appointment, you will be asked a number of COVID-19 related questions. It is requested that only COVID-19 vaccinated persons call for appointments.

Museum visits will be limited to three visitors plus two volunteer docents to conduct tours. Masks and social distancing protocols will be in place during visits.

No public restrooms are available at the museum at this time.

The officers and directors of the Little Falls Historical Society wish to thank our members and the general public for understanding the need for these restrictions and guidelines in the interest of protecting the health of visitors and museum volunteers alike. Hopefully, we can eventually operate with a less-restrictive visitation policy. 

Our goal is to once again have a “full house” with various groups of visitors walking around this  community facility admiring the many Little Falls artifacts on display. 

Little Falls and Women's Suffrage
The centennial exhibit celebrating women gaining the right to vote and the role played by local women in that quest. 

Please visit the Historical Society’s following social media sites: 




Mayor Hadley Jones – A Saint or a Sinner (Part 2) by Louis Baum

The writing was on the wall. Since there was no way of getting out of debt, much of it a result of illegal activities, Hadley Jones had a choice of, most likely, going to prison or to flee from Little Falls to parts unknown. His choice was to get out of town fast, with as much as he could. The exit was well planned.

Mayor Hadley Jones – A Saint or a Sinner (Part 1) by Louis Baum

Everybody enjoys a “rag to riches“ story especially if it involves a local boy or girl. Think about John Riccardo. John was the son of hard-working Italian immigrant parents. His father had a shoe store on John Street in addition to working long hours in a local bicycle factory. John rose to become president and chairman of the board of Chrysler Corporation.