November 26 Little Falls Historical Society Meeting

The Little Falls Historical Society’s Tuesday, November 26, 7:00 pm meeting at the WCA will include a short business meeting, organization elections, and a digitized slide presentation on historic images of Little Falls.

The Historical Society’s nominating committee has submitted a slate of candidates for all four officer positions and for the two board seats with expiring terms. Society members can also nominate additional candidates from the floor prior to elections.

Following the completion of elections, Historical Society member Mike Potter will display and narrate a number of historic pictures from a bygone era in Little Falls.

Light refreshments will follow Potter’s presentation. All Historical Society meetings and presentations are free and open to the public.

December 18: Annual Holiday Luncheon

The Little Falls Historical Society Museum
will hold its annual
Holiday Luncheon
at the Travelodge
Wednesday, December 18 at 12 noon.

This is always a great time to enjoy time together during the holiday season.

Please call Jeff Gressler at (315) 823-2799 for tickets.